The Truth About Gluten

Lately many grocery stores have been stocking their shelves with gluten free alternatives to nearly every kind food.  This is a result of the widely spreading gluten free diet.  Millions around the world have either completely eliminated gluten from their diet, or have greatly reduced the amount they consume each day.

The reason for this change in diet is actually quite simple.  Many people are reducing their gluten consumption because they have celiac disease; when gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine of those with this illness.  Most people with this disease go their whole lives without even noticing it because in most cases the inflammation is minor, but in fact 70-80% of the population has some form of gluten sensitivity and most likely that includes you.

There are various studies that claim terminal diseases come from the consumption from gluten but the source of many of these trials is unreliable so the credibility of those claims isn’t strong.  Most people react to gluten in a more mild form such as stomach pains, acne, and binge eating.


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The Vile Diet of your “Everyday” MMA Fighter

I’m not sure if any of you have seen the movie Rocky, but I found the strict and unique diet he followed to be quite out of the ordinary.  After watching Rocky Balboa chug a glass of raw eggs, I became inspired to explore the various dieting methods boxers use to maintain their muscular physique.


Boxers are encouraged to consume a large amount of carbohydrates each day, however, they don’t receive their daily carb intake through white flour such as bread and pasta but instead eat yams, beans, oatmeal, and whole-wheat grains in order to get the appropriate serving of carbohydrates.  Protein is also an essential part of their diet so boxers often incorporate chicken, eggs, tuna, and protein in their diets.  Since their bodies are constantly in dire need of protein, MMA fighters often drink protein shakes before and after their workouts.  They receive a majority of their fats from fish and nuts since they contain omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that is healthier than say the kind of fat you would find in McDonald’s french fries.  The body also needs monounsaturated fats found in avocados, seeds, and olives.

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