The Vile Diet of your “Everyday” MMA Fighter

I’m not sure if any of you have seen the movie Rocky, but I found the strict and unique diet he followed to be quite out of the ordinary.  After watching Rocky Balboa chug a glass of raw eggs, I became inspired to explore the various dieting methods boxers use to maintain their muscular physique.


Boxers are encouraged to consume a large amount of carbohydrates each day, however, they don’t receive their daily carb intake through white flour such as bread and pasta but instead eat yams, beans, oatmeal, and whole-wheat grains in order to get the appropriate serving of carbohydrates.  Protein is also an essential part of their diet so boxers often incorporate chicken, eggs, tuna, and protein in their diets.  Since their bodies are constantly in dire need of protein, MMA fighters often drink protein shakes before and after their workouts.  They receive a majority of their fats from fish and nuts since they contain omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that is healthier than say the kind of fat you would find in McDonald’s french fries.  The body also needs monounsaturated fats found in avocados, seeds, and olives.

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Lace and Pace


Believe it or not, their is actually a proper way to tie your running shoes, and it’s likely that you’re one of they many who is losing time on races because you wore your shoes incorrectly.  On a daily basis, most of us slip on our shoes, tighten them up, and then use “bunny ears” to make a nice little knot.  However, tying your sneakers this way will cost you valuable time in a race and isn’t very comfortable on a day-to-day basis.  The normal way to tie shoes that you were taught as a child, partially restricts blood flow to the feet and then back again to the heart.  Most people pull the laces taut to ensure that the shoes don’t slip, partially impeding blood flow.  

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“Did You Know” Fitness Style

1. You would need to drink a quart of milk every day for three to four months to drink as much blood as your heart pumps in just one hour

2. In one day, some 4,000 children and teenagers take up smoking

3. There is the same amount of sugar in a McDonald’s fruit smoothie as in four Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups


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The Power of Hydration


It’s crazy to think how something so simple, something so common, something  so plain could be such a crucial element to our body’s daily function.  It’s not difficult to lose water, every time we sweat, cry, go to the bathroom, and even breath our bodies are getting rid water.  Since we are constantly losing water, it’s important to replenish that supply by drinking about one to three liters of water every day.


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How to Run a Faster Mile



1) Endurance

To increase the speed you run 1 mile, try and to do 2  or 3 mile runs to build up your endurance.  For example, if you run 1 mile in 8 minutes, try and run 2 miles in 16 minutes.  

2) Run for the Hills

Hills are a fantastic way to build both strength and endurance.  Even though the mile is more of an endurance race, doing short, 100 yard interval sprints are a great way to prepare and build up speed.  As you run up the hill,  try to stay relaxed and set your gaze straight ahead.  Keep your shoulders down, pump your arms,  and be sure to take long strides and push hard off the ground.


3)Fuel your body

As you continue to push your body to the limit, it’s important to stay hydrated and NOT to run on an empty stomach.  It’s a common myth that exercising on an empty stomach promotes weight loss, when in fact it just lowers your metabolism.  Also, a lack of food means a lack of energy and you wont have as much strength to run.   About an hour before you exercise, eat easily digestible foods that are low in fat and fiber like a banana or a cup of oatmeal.


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