Can you “Sweat” off the Pounds?

Hot and sunny or cold and cloudy, either way, it won’t be difficult to find one person running in a full sweat-suit and the next person wearing shorts and a tank top. The reason for such variance in apparel is typically associated with the claim, “sweating more when running burns more calories.”

Proven Fact:

Running in warm cloths yields a greater weight loss

Proven Fact: Continue reading “Can you “Sweat” off the Pounds?”

The Truth About Gluten

Lately many grocery stores have been stocking their shelves with gluten free alternatives to nearly every kind food.  This is a result of the widely spreading gluten free diet.  Millions around the world have either completely eliminated gluten from their diet, or have greatly reduced the amount they consume each day.

The reason for this change in diet is actually quite simple.  Many people are reducing their gluten consumption because they have celiac disease; when gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine of those with this illness.  Most people with this disease go their whole lives without even noticing it because in most cases the inflammation is minor, but in fact 70-80% of the population has some form of gluten sensitivity and most likely that includes you.

There are various studies that claim terminal diseases come from the consumption from gluten but the source of many of these trials is unreliable so the credibility of those claims isn’t strong.  Most people react to gluten in a more mild form such as stomach pains, acne, and binge eating.


Continue reading “The Truth About Gluten”

What’s in Your Fast Food?

McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell — which one are you craving today? It’s pretty likely that you have a favorite fast food chain and that you love many of the tasty options offered at these restaurants. It’s hard to miss them. As of 2012, there were 263,944 fast food restaurants in America with a combined revenue of well over $100 billion.

With a Gallup poll revealing that 8 in 10 Americans eat fast food at least monthly and half saying they eat it weekly, these companies know they have a good thing going. And with all the savvy marketing they do, it’s no wonder you’re itching for that Big Mac. But before you scarf one down, you might want to truly evaluate what’s going on with your fast food. Here are some truths that may make you wonder if you still want to go to there for lunch.

Look at this delicious egg sandwich from Subway:


Too bad you’re eating a lot more than just eggs:

Subway Breakfast B.M.T.

David DiSalvo, a writer at Forbes, decided to really look into the eggs in popular fast food breakfast sandwiches. What he discovered was that their “eggs” are really a strange concoction that includes eggs and “premium egg blend.” Some things that are in this special blend include glycerin, a solvent found in soap and shaving cream, dimethylpolysiloxane, a silicone that can also be found in Silly Putty, and calcium silicate, a sealant used on roofs and concrete. The age of just cracking an egg and cooking it has long since passed.
Here’s what you get when you order McNuggets:.


But this is what they may have looked like before:



Continue reading “What’s in Your Fast Food?”

The Power of Hydration


It’s crazy to think how something so simple, something so common, something  so plain could be such a crucial element to our body’s daily function.  It’s not difficult to lose water, every time we sweat, cry, go to the bathroom, and even breath our bodies are getting rid water.  Since we are constantly losing water, it’s important to replenish that supply by drinking about one to three liters of water every day.


Continue reading “The Power of Hydration”