Can you “Sweat” off the Pounds?

Hot and sunny or cold and cloudy, either way, it won’t be difficult to find one person running in a full sweat-suit and the next person wearing shorts and a tank top. The reason for such variance in apparel is typically associated with the claim, “sweating more when running burns more calories.”

Proven Fact:

Running in warm cloths yields a greater weight loss

Proven Fact: Continue reading “Can you “Sweat” off the Pounds?”

Meals for Miles

What you eat for dinner Friday night, can have a major impact on your athletic performance Saturday morning.  Most people simply focus on what they are going to eat the day of their big basketball game or track meet, when in fact, what you eat the night before is just as important.


The first thing to do, even before considering your meal, is make sure to drink an abundance of water.  It’s impossible to adequately stress the importance of hydration and the major role it plays in the function of your brain, heart, and muscles.  Your body needs more than just a few hours to completely absorb the water you are consuming so while drinking water the morning before your event is crucial, it’s more effective if you start to hydrate the day before.

Continue reading “Meals for Miles”

Will Skipping Breakfast Really Make you Fat?


The importance of eating a healthy breakfast every morning is nutrition gospel.  Everyone “knows” that eating a morning meal will help you stay lean and that skipping one could have the opposite effect.

But is what everybody knows actually the truth?

Most research regarding the effect of breakfast on the body shows that breakfast eaters tend to be leaner than those who skip their morning meal.  However, there is a large amount of scientific research which doesn’t actually prove exactly what people think it does.
Continue reading “Will Skipping Breakfast Really Make you Fat?”